Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Set FORMS_PATH in Oracle R12

When you face below errors while compiling the custom form:
identifier 'APP_WINDOW.CLOSE_FIRST_WINDOW' must be declared
Bad bind variable parameter.G_query_find

Run the below command to set the FORMS_PATH:
export FORMS_PATH=$AU_TOP/resource:$AU_TOP/forms/US:$AU_TOP/resource/US
Compile the form using the below command:
frmcmp_batch userid=apps/pwd module=$XX_TOP/forms/US/XXFORMfmb output_file=$XX_TOP/forms/US/XXFORM.fmx module_type=form batch=no compile_all=special

Query to list the Oracle RICEW Objects

Pass the application short name &APP_SHORT_NAME parameter to find RICE objects for the particular application and include any exclusion ...